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TSCPA Student/Faculty Campus Representative Program

Spread the word about TSCPA student membership at your school

TSCPA is seeking college students and faculty members to serve as it’s connection to every campus in the state. Working with Texas students and educators to share resources and engage the next generation of CPAs is an important initiative for TSCPA.

The goal is to strengthen TSCPA's presence on Texas campuses, share information across the state, and learn more about what it can do to support Texas students and educators.

The basics: Campus reps distribute and keep on hand a supply of membership applications and help TSCPA tell a greater number of students about the organization and how becoming a student member will benefit them and their careers. Reps also may suggest TSCPA for any speaking opportunities at campus and community meetings.

The benefits: In return for helping TSCPA get the message out, student reps receive a complimentary student membership ($35 value per year). Other perks include receiving TSCPA's publications, keeping students up-to-date on the profession and TSCPA; unlimited access to the TSCPA website, including exclusive members-only areas; benefits from TSCPA's representation in Austin on legislative issues affecting all Texas CPAs and marketing efforts that enhance and protect the image of the CPA designation; and listing TSCPA on their resumes to show future employers their commitment to the profession.

Get more information and complete an application to be a Student Campus Rep. (.PDF)

Get more information about the Faculty Rep opportunities. (.PDF)

The details: E-mail Catherine Raffetto with the names and contact information for any student or faculty member interested in serving as a TSCPA campus rep.