(866) 766-ACAN
There’s no risk!
By law, all information, communications, reports received, gathered or maintained by ACAN are strictly confidential.
The Accountants Confidential Assistance Network is a statutory peer assistance program specifically dedicated to helping Texas CPAs, CPA candidates and accounting students.

If you might be one of the more than 10,000 Texas CPAs who have a problem with alcohol, substance abuse, depression, stress or other mental health issues, ACAN was created just for you.
There is hope! You are not alone. The CPA volunteers in ACAN understand the pressures of the accounting profession. Most are successful CPAs that once faced problems so great they became desperate to find a solution. The difference between a life lived to its fullest and a life destroyed is that each of them found a solution, and they want to share it with you.
There is help! It’s not too late to live the good life you deserve. We’re glad to assist CPAs, CPA candidates and students who want to know whether they might have a problem and talk about solutions.
We’ll help you locate the professional resources you need to improve your life. We’re also available to participate in professional interventions at the request of a firm or family member.
ACAN network members, interested Accountants, and Friends of Bill Wilson meet regularly at the following times and locations:
Call 1-866-766-ACAN for more details.
Use the links below to learn more about ACAN & substance abuse.
Finding Your Way Back In - ACAN is Saving Licenses and Lives (.PDF)
By Anne McDonald Davis, ABC
A Place to Turn: The Concerned CPA Network Offers Confidential Assistance to TSCPA Members (.PDF)
By DeLynn Deakins
One Man's Journey Back (.PDF)
By Anne McDonald Davis, ABC
Concerned CPA Network - Fulfilling a Vital Role for TSCPA Members (.PDF)
Article from the March-April 2006 issue of Today's CPA magazine.
Career Killers - Substance Abuse: Depression & Stress in the Accounting Profession
ACAN Information (PowerPoint) | ACAN Information (.PDF)
Case Studies |
Do You Know
the Warning Signs?
Consider if ANY of these symptoms are part of your life or the life of someone you know. If so, there may be cause for concern and it’s time to make a confidential call to ACAN:
(866) 766-ACAN
• Do you make plans to “control” your drinking?
• Once you start drinking, do you “change your mind” and drink more or longer than planned?
• Are you willing to jeopardize your career in order to take illegal drugs?
• Do you drink specifically for the purpose of becoming intoxicated?
• Do you become restless, irritable or discontented when abstaining from alcohol and other drugs?
• Have you lost interest in the hobbies and activities you used to enjoy?
• Do you drive under the influence?
• Do you miss appointments, show up late or call in sick because of alcohol or drugs?
• Are you angry or upset with others for causing professional or personal problems in your life?
• Do you drink or use drugs alone?
• Have you been unable to cut down or quit?
• Do you avoid important professional, family or social activities?
• Is it taking you more to become intoxicated?
• Do you ever have a drink in the morning?
• Are you searching for reasons to answer “no” to these questions?
• Is your work performance and social life impaired because a family member has an alcohol or substance abuse problem?
• Do you experience extreme or prolonged feelings of sadness, worthlessness, fatigue, exhaustion or excessive guilt?
• Are you restless, easily distracted, and unable to concentrate or make decisions?
• Do you isolate yourself and avoid family, friends and social activities?
• Have you had any major changes in appetite, body weight, eating habits or sleeping patterns?
• Do you have thoughts of death or suicide