Accounting Education Conference
October 28-29, 2016 at Doubletree by Hilton, Dallas Love Field
CPE hours: 14
Hotel reservations: Doubletree by Hilton Dallas Love Field, 3300 W. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas TX 75235, phone 214-357-8500
Hotel cut-off date: Oct. 14 or when block fills
Handouts available on Oct. 25


7:00 A.M. Registration and Breakfast
8:00 A.M. Professional Issues Update
Examine highlights of a number of current issues affecting or related to the CPA profession. Gain insights into current federal legislative/regulatory issues, issues related to professional standards, as well as major issues that may arise in the 2017 legislative session in Austin. Cover other programs and issues in play at the AICPA and how they may affect Texas CPAs.
John M Sharbaugh/CEO/Texas Society of CPAs/Dallas
9:15 A.M. Break
9:30 A.M. TSBPA Update
Get an update on what's happening at the Texas State Board of Public Accountancy.
Donna Hiller Wier/Director of Qualifications/TSBPA/Austin
Please select one of the following courses:
011 2016 Tax Update
Review statutory, regulatory, and judicial developments relevant to the standard tax curriculum. Get critical updates for use in individual and business entity taxation courses.
John Gamino, JD, LLM, CPA/Clinical Assistant Professor/University of Texas at Dallas/Dallas
012 FASB Update, Part 1
Identify and discuss the new accounting guidance issued by the Board since October 2015. Learn more about the effective dates and implications of the new guidance as well as early adoption provisions. Focus on information regarding lease recognition (ASU 2016-02) and revisions to reporting revenue recognition.
Mary Fischer, PhD, CGFO/Professor of Accounting/University of Texas at Tyler/Tyler
013 Gaming in the Classroom: What Happens in Accounting, Stays in Accounting
Learn about educational games that can be used in introductory financial and managerial courses. Gain insight into how to incorporate these games in the classroom. Discuss other ideas on how to bring accounting to life.
Marie Kelly, CPA, CGMA/Lecturer/Stephen F Austin State University/Nacogdoches
Nikki Shoemaker, PhD, CPA, CG MA/Assistant Professor/Stephen F Austin State University/Nacogdoches
12:20 A.M. Luncheon and Awards
Please select one of the following courses:
021 Roundtables, Part 1: Fraud, Principles of Finance, Intermediate I and Research
A popular tradition! Here's your opportunity to choose a specific subject matter and share your ideas. Cover courses such as Fraud, Principles of Finance, Intermediate 1, and Research. Bring your insight and what does, or does not, work in the classroom to this interactive session.
022 Auditing Update
Explore current developments and practices related to the auditing profession. Identify and discuss recent changes in U.S. auditing standards, including recent developments happening at the PCAOB, the AICPA, and in the audit practices of the Big 4 CPA firms.
Robyn Garrett, CPA/Assurance Senior Manager/PricewaterhouseCoopers/Dallas
023 Introducing Accounting Software in the Classroom
See a demonstration of how accounting information systems have been applied in classrooms. Learn more about using QuickBooks in an AIS course as well as free student software such as Sage 50 and Sage ERP Cover using software for data analytics in audit classes.
Dr. Tiffany Deluze/Associate Professor of Accounting/University of Mary Hardin-Baylor/Belton
Genevieve Sea/an, PhD/Assistant Professor of Accounting/Texas A&M University-Kingsville/Kingsville
2:30 P.M. Break
Please select one of the following courses:
031 Roundtables, Part II: Intermediate II, Principles of Managerial, Audit and AIS
Don't miss another opportunity to share ideas on specific subject matter. Bring your ideas!
032 Catch Me if You Can: Teaching, Students Internal Auditing and Benford's Law
Learn how to incorporate experiential learning into your internal audit classroom. Discuss the concept of Benford's Law as applied to internal auditing and fraud detection. Walk through a case study using Benford's Law in the classroom.
Nikki Shoemaker, PhD, CPA, CGMA/Assistant Professor/Stephen F Austin State University/Nacogdoches
033 Effective Methods for Developing, Teaching, and Improving a Discrete Accounting or Tax Research and Analysis Course
Discover ways to develop courses that integrate research, analysis, critical thinking, decision making, communication, and collaboration skills and knowledge into a discrete accounting or tax research and analysis course. Learn to create effective assignments and learning tools that focus on active learning and proper assessment, including the use of grading rubrics of students' knowledge and skills. Get tips for keeping the course current, creating assignments to ensure academic honesty, and making improvements.
Sheila Ammons, CPA, CMA/Accounting Professor/Austin Community College/Austin
4:00 P.M. Meet the Recruiters: How to Prepare Your Students for Making the Best Impression
Learn from a panel of recruiters who work for employers of college accounting grads about what they look for when hiring recent graduates. Examine the skills your students need to land the job, and what you can tell them to help put their best foot forward during the recruiting process.
Megan Mask, PHR, SHRM-CPIHR Generalist and Campus Recruiter/Whitley Penn/Houston
Kevin Sweet/Vice President & Director of Permanent Placement Services-Dal/as/Fort Worth/Robert Half/Fort Worth
5:30 P.M. Adjourn
7:00 a.m. Registration and Breakfast
8:00 a.m. Award Winning Teaching Tips
Learn from a panel of educators who have been recognized for utilized instructional innovations and practical learning opportunities for students. As former recipients of TSCPA's Outstanding Accounting Educator Award, these educators will share tips and programs they've used in the classroom to motivate and engage students. Walk away with ideas you can incorporate in your next semester.
Panel: Prior TSCPA Outstanding Accounting Educator Award recipients
9:15 A.M. Break
Please select from one of the following courses:
041 2016 Tax Update
Review statutory, regulatory, and judicial developments; relevant to the standard tax curriculum. Emphasis will be placed on critical updates for use in individual and business entity taxation courses.
John Gamino, JD, LLM, CPA/Clinical Assistant Professor/University of Texas at Dallas/Dallas
042 FASB Update: Part II
Explore current FASS guidance projects and exposure drafts including cash flow presentation, nonprofit display and reporting goodwill presented
together with their status. Examine and discuss current research and future agenda items.
Mary Fischer, PhD, CGFO/Professor of Accounting Accounting/University of Texas at Tyler/Tyler
043 Big Data is a Big Deal: How to Effectively Incorporate Big Data Into a Classroom
Delve into how many accounting educators are questioning how to integrate the concepts of big data and analytics into a curriculum. Using "data" collected from both practitioners and emerging scholars in the field of big data pedagogy, hear ideas about how to effectively incorporate these concepts into the classroom and how to develop big data activities. Come prepared to share with questions and examples of how you are integrating big data into
your accounting curriculum.
Jan Taylor Morris, PhD, CPA, CG MA/Associate Professor/Sam Houston State University/Huntsville
10:45 A.M. Break
11 A.M. Learning About Learning: What Research Tells Us about Teaching and Learning
Gain recommendations of methods instructors can use to enhance student learning by applying learning sciences research to accounting education. Cover ways in which to share these research findings with students and learn key steps in conducting personal learning sciences research.
Fred Phillips, CPA, CA, PhD/Professor of Accounting/University of Saskatchewan/Saskatoon, SK,Canada
12:15 P.M. Adjourn |